Trade Analysis
Trade Analysis
Program and Portfolio Trade Analysis
Challenge: How to make the right program funding choices in a tough fiscal environment?
- Manage delivery of required operational capabilities
- Deliver quicker, less costly capabilities to the field
- Do it all within a static or shrinking budget

Example: Office of the Secretary of Defense: Chemical and Biological Defense Program
Our portfolio decision modeling helps you foresee consequences of resource allocation options
- See your current and projected status against key objectives and metrics
- Link program delivery dates to capability objectives, and see critical interdependencies
- Track and monitor dynamic factors such as cost, schedule, and performance
- Drive resource allocations to best pursue your goals, informed by key data
- Perform real-time “what if” drills, and see the results… and the unintended consequences
Challenge: Support the organization’s required participation in Agency “cut drills”, but manage risks to operational capability timelines and performance
Solution: A process and visualization that allows decision-makers to dynamically choose options and immediately see likely impact on their program portfolio’s cost, schedule, and performance objectives