Leadership with vision, experience, and a record of delivering impactive solutions
Robert Penna
25 years experience providing the Defense and Homeland Security sectors with decision analysis and program execution leadership.
- Led enterprise-level studies and analyses chartered by senior Joint, Service, and Agency leaders.
- Led the development of approaches, models, and tools that have impacted DoD, DHS, and multinational organizations, capabilities, missions, and budgets.
- Founded, led, and grew a business unit of 150 staff and $20M in annual revenue, as an executive manager for a top defense contractor.
- Led numerous market development and proposal efforts, including large scale IDIQ and A&AS contracts.
- Led strong cross-contractor teaming relationships, from bid and proposal stage through successful project execution and delivery.
- Former West Point Economics Assistant Professor, Infantry Brigade Combat Support Company Commander, and Army Intelligence Officer.
- MPA, Economics, Princeton University.
- MS, Operations Research/Systems Mgmt, University of Southern California.
- BS, International Relations/Engineering Mgmt, US Military Academy.
Kevin Bair
- Fifteen years experience in the Defense and Homeland Security sectors providing capability, program, and portfolio analysis and management services.
- Former senior manager at a Top 10 government contractor, leading efforts in strategic planning, and policy analysis, development, and implementation.
- Led the creation of program evaluation processes and tools adopted and mandated for enterprise-use by the Navy and elsewhere within DoD and DHS.
- Led US and multinational assessments of force structure and operational capabilities, influencing employment concepts and helping drive policies and budgets.
- Developed portfolio optimization processes and tools that enabled DoD to redirect hundreds of millions of investment dollars toward urgent operational needs.
- Successful in developing winning capture teams and leading integrated cross-contractor proposals.
- Experienced author and color team lead of technical, price, and management volumes for large IDIQ and standalone contracts.
- BA, Business Administration from the University of Mary Washington.
- University-trained and certified Six Sigma Black Belt (University of Texas, Austin).